
Thursday 8 March 2018

Separating and Mixing

Making a Copper Sulfate Salt

Aim: To produce copper sulfate salt by reacting copper oxide with an acid

Copper oxide powder, dilute sulfuric acid, measuring cylinder, 2x 100mL beakers, bunsen burner, tripod, gauze mat, funnel, filter paper, themometer, spatula, evaporating basin, stirring rod.

  1. Add 20mL of sulfuric acid to a 100mL beaker. Heat to 70degrees. Turn off your bunsen.
  2. Once heated, use a spatula to add pea sized portions of copper oxide. Stir for 30secs
  3. Repeat step 2 until no more dissolved.
  4. Fold filter paper and place in funnel. Place the funnel in the second beaker.
  5. Make sure your first beaker is cool enough to hold and then pour it into the funnel. Gently swirl and allow to filter through.
  6. Rinse the beaker and fill with 50mL of water and place on tripod. 
  7. Place evaporating basin on top of beaker and pour some solution in.
  8. Gently heat until the solution has reduced by half.
  9. Take off heat and allow to cool.
Results and Discussion:
The acid quickly reached the required temperature of 70 degrees and it then took multiple portions of the copper sulfate before the solute was no longer dissolving and a very dark blue solution was present. After filtering the solution it became a light blue.
We then placed that solution in an evaporating basin 
After reducing it by half we left it overnight.
The next day there were little blue crystals formed in the basin and no more solvent.

This experiment involved dissolving a solute in a solvent to create a solution. We then filtered the solution and evaporated it until we were left with the solid again, in the form of crystals- a successful experiment!

Solubility Experiment

To investigate the solubility of baking soda, table salt and copper oxide to see which is the most soluble

100mL beaker, 100mL measuring cylinder, salt, baking soda, copper oxide, stirring rod, spatula.

  1. Fill beaker with water
  2. Add a spatula full of baking soda.
  3. Stir the solution until it dissolves.
  4. Repeat step 2 and 3 until no more will dissolve.
  5. Record how many spatula fulls were added.
  6. Repeat the experiment with salt and copper oxide.
Baking Soda took roughly 6 spatula fulls before no more would dissolve in 50mL of water.
Salt needed around 9 spatula fulls before no more would dissolve in 50mL of water.
Image result for salt dissolved in water beaker

The copper oxide would not dissolve in the water.
Image result for water in beaker turns black

The salt was more soluble than the baking soda as when we dissolved the solute in the solvent we were able to dissolve more salt than the baking soda. The solution went clear after stirring each spatula full until no more would dissolve. The copper oxide turned the solution black and would not dissolve, hence the copper oxide is insoluble in water.

This experiment showed that some solutes are more soluble than others in a solvent such as water. This also showed that some solutes are insoluble, meaning they do not dissolve.

Dilution Experiment

To make a dilution series to investigate concentration.

Potassium permanganate crystals, 6 test tubes, test tube rack, tweezers, pipette, 10mL measuring cylinder

  1. Place the test tubes in the rack.
  2. Using the measuring cylinder, fill test tube 1 with 10mL of water and fill the remaining test tubes with 5mL of water.
  3. Add a single crystal of potassium permanganate to test tube 1.
  4. Gently shake until the crystal has dissolved.
  5. Using the pipette, transfer 5mL from test tube 1 to tst tube 2.
  6. Rinse the pipette thoroughly and continue to transfer from 2 to 3 and so on.
Results and Discussion:
When i added the crystal to test tube 1 the solvent quickly turned purple as the solute dissolved. As i transferred 5mL from one test tube to another the solution got a lighter and lighter shade of purple.

As i transferred 5mL from one test tube to another i was halving the concentration of the solution as the ratio of potassium permanganate to water in solution became less and less. This is called a dilution series as we slowly diluted the original solution.


To separate the different pigments in inks using paper chromatography.

Ink pens, small beaker, strip of filter paper, ice-block stick, tape, chromatography solution.

  1. Cut a piece of filter paper long enough to reach the bottom of your test tube.
  2. Rule a line in pencil 2cm from bottom of paper.
  3. Fill test tube with 1cm of chromatography solution (water).
  4. Place a dot of ink above the ruled line.
  5. Fold over test tube and place in solution.
  6. Wait and observe.
  7. Repeat with 2 other colours.
Results and Discussion:
The dot of ink ran up the filter paper and as the different pigments separated out. A couple of good examples were using the blue and purple pen because it clearly showed the colours of green/yellow and red/ blue. The one on the right was in fact a black felt tip marker and it clearly showed the separation of many different colours. 
Some colours are more soluble in water than others as they travelled further up the filter paper. Chromatography also identifies the pigments which a certain colour is made up of.

Sunday 4 March 2018

First Science Investigation

First Science Investigation- Ball Bounce

Aim: To measure the bounce of a tennis ball and to see if there is a relationship between the height it is dropped from and the height of the bounce.

Hypothesis: I think that as i increase the height i drop the ball from, the height of the first bounce will increase as well.


  • Meter ruler
  • Tennis ball
  • retort stand and clamp
  1. Clamp the ruler to the retort stand, making sure it's straight.
  2. Get a tennis ball and release it from a set height.
  3. Measure the height of the first bounce against the ruler.
  4. Repeat at the same height.
  5. Repeat the process for at least four other heights.
Key Variables:
Dependent: I will be measuring the height of the first bounce.
Independent: I will be changing the height that i drop the tennis ball from.
Control: I will keep the tennis ball and the ruler the same as well as the way that i drop the ball.


Height (cm)Reading 1Reading 2Average

This experiment was successful as a clear trend can be identified between the height of the drop and the first bounce. The results are not 100% accurate as sometimes it was hard to measure the height of the bounce accurately to 1cm. Either needed another person helping or better use of video technology to assist. But because i took two readings i think the average is an accurate representation of the data.

This experiment investigated the relationship between the height a ball is dropped from and the height of it's first bounce. After carrying out the investigation i can agree with my original hypothesis as the data clearly shows that as the height of the drop increased so did the height of the first bounce at a fairly steady and constant rate.